Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Went and saw my midwife today.  And although last week at my specialist appointment baby was head down, nice and low, and the doctor assured me that there was no chance of him flipping back out again, he's out.  He's now sitting nice and comfortably sideways again.  So my midwife is going to meet with the doctor to try and figure out what to do next.  She knows that I would do anything to NOT have a C-section and I'm so grateful that she's willing to work around it and figure out other ways.  Could be that I go in tomorrow or friday and they try flip baby down and then break my water to start labor, not ideal but better then a C-section.  Or, if that doesn't work, they could let me wait it out, but that's kinda dangerous because then if my water breaks, the cord could come out first and stop his oxygen and blood supply and then its an immediate C-section.  But this little kid seems to have a mind of his own and he could flip back down again and I go into labor naturally and all goes well.
In the mean time we're just waiting to see what happens......

I hate waiting.....


Unknown said...

Hang in there, girl!! I'm sure that however it 'turns' out (I crack myself up) will be for the best.

SiOaNa :) said...

Sarah I think you've just met your match :)

Christina said...

I hope he flips for you so you can avoid a c-section! Ask your midwife about moxibustion- it might help!

LP said...

Me too.