Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Primary Presentation 2013

As the Primary President I had the pleasure of organsing our Primary Presentation this year.  I thought that perhaps I wouldn't enjoy the actual presentation because of all the work I'd had to put into it (like when you spend all day cooking something and in the end you're so tired of it you don't actually enjoy eating it.)  Quite the opposite!  I think I had invested so much into this that I loved every little part of it more then anyone else.  We have such great kids in our primary.  And they did an incredible job.  All the children wrote their own talks, even the little ones, (which made for some intersting talks) but there is nothing quite like hearing children say in their own words how they know they are a child of God and how they want to choose the right. 

Pukete Ward Primary

Of course the best talk by far was Malachi.  He said;
"The commandments are God's rules, like not telling lies, keeping the sabath day holy, and not killing.  If we choose the right when we are in the world, we will get to live with Heavenly Father after we die."
He memorised it all and spoke so cleary and confidently.  He practiced so much at home that Vili memorised it too, and Lani (parts of it).

Malachi and his CTR 4 class and their saint teacher.

My Primary Board.

Our whole ward.  What a mission this picture was!!!
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