This past Saturday our ward had a missionary car wash. This is the second time that our ward has done this, the first time it was instigated by none other then JO QUILLAN, our ward mission leader. And our new ward mission leader has followed the tradition. The idea is that we offer a free car wash and while the people are having their car cleaned, they hang out under the tent we have with a table of treats and.....THE MISSIONARIES!! It's genius really, no one can resist free stuff and they can't run away coz we've got their car! Its alot of fun for us too, hanging out with our ward. Unfortunately, the downside to doing any missionary work in mormonville is that almost everyone that drives by are already members of the church. So i don't know how much of an impact our missionary efforts made, but either way, Malachi sure had a blast. Here are some pictures of the day's adventure.
Good job Tui!
In the down time i quickly voluntered our car for them to clean - thanks guys!!
The cookies were meant to be for the investigators that came, but malachi stole one off the table, while michelle watched in the background.
Munching it down.
The end result - 10 seconds after this my t-shirt was no longer white, it was a nice shade of brown
Malachi found bubbles and boy did he love it!!
Clapping in delight!
Oh no, mummy caught you!!
Malachi found some friends to play in the water with.
Son, that's for cleaning the cars, not your mouth.
Tui and our neighbor Tyler taking on the big truck - at least one person in our family actually did some car washing...
Why didn't we know about it? Did you, I mean, did Tui and them clean the inside too? :)
FUN! that is the best ward ever! malachi is getting so big, what a cutie! hope all is well! i sure do miss hawaii!
Malachi is so cute!!!
Um, thank you for not cutting me out of that picture. ...haha. its disgusting. But your little one is so cute.
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