Sunday, March 15, 2009

Updates on the dude

Malachi is now 9 1/2 months old, in 2 1/2 months he'll be one!!! I cannot believe that! He's such a character now, he enjoys playing peek-a-boo, especially with his reflection, dancing, watching BYUH basketball games, knocking on our neighbor's doors, kissing every little kid he meets (nice big wet, open mouthed kisses of course), bending over to look at the world upside down, talking on the phone (which Grandma Tafuna LOVES!!), pretty much everything that big people do, he wants to do.

He has been walking for over a month now and does nothing else. He's learnt to drink from a straw which is really convenient. He's starting to jump and goes on his tippy toes to reach things that are higger or to look on the table. He's understanding alot more of what we say including no, out of there, hold my hand, move back, go get the ball, bathtime etc. He gets super excited when he hears a bike outside (yes, he can hear bikes) and he starts going crazy and runs to the door coz he thinks its Tui. And he's started saying mum and dada and actually meaning us now. He says b b b for a bird and goes wooh wooh wooh when he sees a dog. He's developed a love for books and reading which i'm really happy about and he even has his favourite books that he will bring to me, then sit in my lap while i read them.

He's just such a joy, i love being with him all day!!! He's so much fun to be around. Last weigh in he was 22 pounds and 31 inches long, so he's a skinny boy. But we love him to pieces, he's our pride and joy. He's the best!! We can't wait to take him to visit our families in a few months!!

Here are a few pictures and video clips of him recently.

Clap, clap clapping.

Making a mess with Vaea. (You can't really see it but his shirt says "B is for Bob" and has a picture of Bob Marley on it. Tui and I bought it the day we found out i was pregnant!)

Rocking his sunday best.

Quality time with Daddy. (See, they do look alike!)

Ready for a munch.

In his new bike chair - $30 Walmart! He absolutely loves it, and falls asleep in it too so i guess it's relaxing aswell.

Checking out the world upside down.

Talking on the phone.



Ashleigh said...

awwww he looks like such a big boy already. so cute.

Taiyo And Samantha said...

Honestly, having you guys and Malachi just down the hall and seeing all the ways he has grown since we moved in makes me even more excited about having our own little half tongan baby boy soon! You guys are awesome. (haha mine just started moving around a lot right now so i guess he's excited to come too)

Joseph and Lianna Quillen said...

omgoodness hes SO big. We miss you guys you know!