Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Lately we've been having Malachi say all the prayers (saves us having the "no it's your i said it this i said it last night" discussion every day).  Just simple stuff.  He really loves it, he loves to fold his arms and bow his head and be really serious (which doesn't happen often for this crazy child.)

So today, we sat down for dinner, I helped Malachi pray, and then we started eating.  Then out of the corner of my eye I see him folding his arms and hear him - 

"Dear fada
tank u food
bess bubu (body)
hafy stong

Bless his little heart.  

It's amazing the joy we feel as parents watching this little boy doing the right things.  It kinda gives me a glimpse as to how our Father in Heaven feels when we pray, or when we do what we're asked.  I could not have been happier tonight hearing anything else but those mumbled sweet words from this innocent (not always so innocent) little boys mouth.


SiOaNa :) said...

That is too cute. I don't know if you remember one of my status updates a while back where I said that prayer time with Matt Kingston is hilarious. It's HIS TURN all the time. And he blesses EVERYONE and EVERYTHING. If daddy or mommy says the prayer and it takes a little too long, he says AMEN and lays down and says to us mama daddy night night...while we're still saying the Gotta love these kids.

Unknown said...

That is so precious, Sarah! Way to go teaching him--he's got it down!