2013 was not a great year for me in terms of record keeping (hence the blog cramming session on Dec 31st at 10pm). I have felt really overwhelmed with life in general that all the things I would LIKE to do have fallen aside while I try to keep up with all the things I HAVE to do. It makes me sad, but until I find some way to clone myself or add extra hours to a day, this is my lot and I have to be content with it.
And so I want to end the year but summy up who each of my kids are at this moment in time.
- Malachi -
- Continues to be my super compliant and reliable child, responsible beyond his years and so willing to help
- Loving school and learning in general. He gets so proud of himself when he conquers a new concept or memorises a new spelling word. It's awesome. He loves to read, he loves to write stories, he loves numbers, he loves telling the time, he loves that his class uses ipads. He just loves to learn in general, he's such a little sponge wanting to soak up everything.
- He has discovered different sports and loves them all. Next year he wants to play cricket, basketball, rugby, soccer, tennis, and hockey.
- His absolutely favourite thing to do is ride his bike. We have a BMX track down our street that he has finally conquered and he wants to ride it daily. He's getting a little braver every day, which is great to see him coming out of his cautious shell.

- Vili -
- This boy is such a drama queen, he has the highest highs and the lowest lows. He gives me the greatest joy and causes the greatest frustration. He tells me he loves me the most, and sits in time out the most. Everything he does is done with a bit of flare and full effects, and super intense. He's probably payback for me being the way I was as a child.
- Vili is quick, he can almost beat Malachi in a race. His little legs are just so fast. Lucky I'm faster...
- He's really independant, enjoys his own company, likes to read on his own, jump on the tramp by himself. I can't tell yet if its personality or birth order.
- He has finally learnt to say the 'k' sound, so can say 'Malachi' instead of 'Malatai'.
- Vili has a talent for rhyming You can tell him any word and he gives you 5 that rhyme with it. His teachers are amazed by it, especially for a boy and at such a young age.
- He can be a real clown, he likes making up words and pulling faces and making people laugh.
- He says the funniest things ever. Like ever. At the moment he tells me all the time "That is so alarious." or when we're ready scriptures and I say "Lamen and lemuel had hard hearts" and he says "...and hard poos...". The stuff he comes up with is priceless.

- Lani -
- She is just the sweetest thing. She just oozes with sweetness. From her bobbing pigtails to her high pitched voice. No wonder daughters can wrap their daddy's around their fingers.
- She copies EVERYTHING that Vili does, from his facials, his tantrums, his silly dances, his mannerisms. She's like a little clone. Most days I wish she'd copy Malachi instead....
- Her vocab is growing daily. She will copy anything you say. On her own she offers 3 word sentaces. There isn't anything she can't communicate to us, which is helpful.
- She makes us all laugh, all the time. Mostly coz she's a baby trying to say and do adult things.
- She likes getting dressed, on her own, her own way. If any of us leave one of our drawers open, watch out. She'll come in to proudly show us how she's put on Vili's undies or malachi's shirt.
- Lani is terrified of cats and dogs. But she loves birds and flies.
- She can't say the L sound so she refers herself as ''Nani'', and her brothers are ''Matai'' and ''Viyee''.
And so I want to end the year but summy up who each of my kids are at this moment in time.
- Malachi -
- Continues to be my super compliant and reliable child, responsible beyond his years and so willing to help
- Loving school and learning in general. He gets so proud of himself when he conquers a new concept or memorises a new spelling word. It's awesome. He loves to read, he loves to write stories, he loves numbers, he loves telling the time, he loves that his class uses ipads. He just loves to learn in general, he's such a little sponge wanting to soak up everything.
- He has discovered different sports and loves them all. Next year he wants to play cricket, basketball, rugby, soccer, tennis, and hockey.
- His absolutely favourite thing to do is ride his bike. We have a BMX track down our street that he has finally conquered and he wants to ride it daily. He's getting a little braver every day, which is great to see him coming out of his cautious shell.

- Vili -
- This boy is such a drama queen, he has the highest highs and the lowest lows. He gives me the greatest joy and causes the greatest frustration. He tells me he loves me the most, and sits in time out the most. Everything he does is done with a bit of flare and full effects, and super intense. He's probably payback for me being the way I was as a child.
- Vili is quick, he can almost beat Malachi in a race. His little legs are just so fast. Lucky I'm faster...
- He's really independant, enjoys his own company, likes to read on his own, jump on the tramp by himself. I can't tell yet if its personality or birth order.
- He has finally learnt to say the 'k' sound, so can say 'Malachi' instead of 'Malatai'.
- Vili has a talent for rhyming You can tell him any word and he gives you 5 that rhyme with it. His teachers are amazed by it, especially for a boy and at such a young age.
- He can be a real clown, he likes making up words and pulling faces and making people laugh.
- He says the funniest things ever. Like ever. At the moment he tells me all the time "That is so alarious." or when we're ready scriptures and I say "Lamen and lemuel had hard hearts" and he says "...and hard poos...". The stuff he comes up with is priceless.

- Lani -
- She is just the sweetest thing. She just oozes with sweetness. From her bobbing pigtails to her high pitched voice. No wonder daughters can wrap their daddy's around their fingers.
- She copies EVERYTHING that Vili does, from his facials, his tantrums, his silly dances, his mannerisms. She's like a little clone. Most days I wish she'd copy Malachi instead....
- Her vocab is growing daily. She will copy anything you say. On her own she offers 3 word sentaces. There isn't anything she can't communicate to us, which is helpful.
- She makes us all laugh, all the time. Mostly coz she's a baby trying to say and do adult things.
- She likes getting dressed, on her own, her own way. If any of us leave one of our drawers open, watch out. She'll come in to proudly show us how she's put on Vili's undies or malachi's shirt.
- Lani is terrified of cats and dogs. But she loves birds and flies.
- She can't say the L sound so she refers herself as ''Nani'', and her brothers are ''Matai'' and ''Viyee''.
Most nights I lay in bed running through the day in my head, and I regret things I did an didn't say, things I did and didn't do. But always my biggest regrets come from time not spent with my children, or time mis-spent with them. It usually takes some sort of tragedy or trauma to shake up our priorities and make us appreciate our loved ones more. I'm going to use the new year as an excuse. I want to love on them more, know them better, have more conversations, sit on the floor and play more, and growl a whole lot less. They are such precious little people and I love being their Mummy. And I want them to know that I love them because they feel it through my actions, not just coz I tell them every night before they go to bed.
And so ends the year 2013.
2014, please be kind to us.....