Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Athletics day

Malachi had his athletics day at school.  We practiced a few things at home, running and jumping etc, and he was all set.  Lani came along to watch, with her school bag of course, because you can't go to school without a school bag.....

He was most excited about the sprints.

Serious Facials.

He came 3rd, which, considering he is the absolute youngest in his year group, was pretty impressive.

All the other sports weren't for placing, which was good, it meant that all the kids just got to try them without the pressure (or disapointment) of trying to win.

I did athletics as a kid (shocking, I know.  I only did it coz John did and I wanted to go with him) and really loved it, so it might be something Malachi can get into if he wants. Hopefully he'd do alot better then his Mummy.
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