Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Lisa's [non]Baby Shower

My cousin loathes baby showers.  She doesn't like the cheesey games or the fact you have to bring a present.  But every woman who has to suffer through 9 months of pregnancy and hours of labor DESERVES a party.  So we had a non baby shower baby shower.  There were no games, nothing typical of a baby shower.  Instead we did our nails and had facials and just enjoyed each other's company.  It was moutache themed, which was a brilliant idea and super fun.



And the next mornin the kids had a great time playing with the left over moustaches.

Who knew facial hair could be so much fun?!
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1 comment:

stevenjared0853 said...

Non baby shower! That truly is a good idea for expecting ladies that don’t like typical showers. Thanks a lot for this wonderful share and it is definitely going to be a good idea for my own sister’s shower. Hey I need some help regarding LA event venues for this indoor bash. Could you help?