Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The white house

This month I was able to go through the temple with one of my oldest and dearest friends, Kath.  Our Dad's were in the airforce together so we've known each other a long time.  We went to the same primary school, high school, we were room mates at church college.  I have litterally known her all my life.  She has been such an example to me of setting goals and reaching them.  Last year she offically added M.D. to the end of her name, proof of alot of hard work.  But being there for her to see her achieve a goal of much more eternal importance was just amazing.  Seeing someone experience being in the temple for the first time brings you back to the indiviual importance of the work that goes on in the temple.  That it's for real people, and has a real effect on their lives.


Now we can go on temple dates together. 
Love you Katy Waty.
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