Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Christmas Activities 2013

I need to be better at taking pictures (aparently even with the millions I take, I still miss stuff), because we did SOOOOOOOOOOO many christmas crafts and activities, but I only got pictures of one of them.

We made christmas cookies for Malachi to take to his class, we made finger print christmas tree pictures, did knock and drop offs to people in our ward, made our traditional christmas donuts for our friends, learnt heaps of christmas carols. (Incase you can't tell, I love Christmas).


But by far the best thing we did this Christmas season was our Christmas Service Stars.
Instead of having an advent calendar where the kids GET something every day leading up to Christmas, we made a chart so they had to GIVE something everyday instead, in the form of service.  Every day during we all had to do service for someone, and once we had, we got to colour in a star on our tree.  Once a week we did a big service together, like going and doing someone's gardens, but mostly it was just little things like making someone's bed, or putting away their dishes for them.  It was so nice to have to change our thinking from being all about ourselves and what we wanted, to start thinking of others and what we could do for them.

On our last day, Christmas Eve, we did service for our community by walking the streets and picking up rubbish.  The kids did it happily and with a smile on their faces which was totally the point. 

With their rubbish collection from our street.

This is traditon we will be continuing on with next year.
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1 comment:

clin133 said...

Love this idea, I'm stealing it for this Christmas!