Friday, April 8, 2011

I'm sorry, what??


This iddy biddy baby (ok fine, he wasn't exactly iddy biddy, but you know what I mean) took his first steps today.  He's been cruising for like 2 months, and today he just let go and walked out to me, 4 or 5 steps.  Did it a few more times after that (until he flopped on the ground and his brother laughed so Vili decided it was way more fun to keep flopping and watching Malachi laugh.....).  He was just born like yesterday (and 9 months ago), and now he's walking.  And it's April.  What the heck, is someone fast forwarding through my life?? Slow it down please!!!!
Good job my sausage baby.

1 comment:

SiOaNa :) said...

And I got to see it. I love it. I love him. Hugs and kisses to the little big guy :)