Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Almost 1

Vili's almost one.
Its insane.
Here are some of his almost-1 tricks.

He can point to parts of his body.









He climbs like a vine. Nothing is sacred. He thinks he's invincible. The collection of bruises on his head suggests otherwise.




He has 2 teeth down the bottom and 1 up the top, which makes him look like a goof.


He chews on his thumb or finger, doesn't suck on it, just chews.All the time.


He likes lying down. He'll be in the middle of playing or chasing his brother and he'll just drop to the floor and lie there and talk to himself.


He doesn't just walk, he runs! Ok more like super power walks, but if I turn my back for a second, that kid is gone and down the driveway.


He loves bowls. There is one cupboard we don't have a lock for and he knows it and knows just what he wants in it.


He L-O-V-E loves books!


His vocab is increasing. He says -
Dada - daddy
muma - mummy
ma - malachi
nana - num nums, food or drink
dis - this
dat - that
bubba - baby
and his favourite word

He signs for osi (finished) and thank you. He blows kisses and gives 'uma's on demand, nice big open mouthed sloppy ones.

He takes these fantastic 3 hour naps in the day, but wakes 3-4 times in the night (we've discovered he has enlarged adnoids which makes him snore like crazy so during the night when he's in a deep sleep he snorts really bad and wakes himself up, giving himself a fright, makes him cry etc. We're waiting til he's a little older and bigger and then we'll take him to get his adnoids taken out.)

He's a little groove machine.  If he hears a beat, or his brother singing he'll stop mid-walking and do a jig.  Or if he's really excited he'll sit down so he can totally rock out.  It's awesome.

In general, he is the happiest little boy. He has these crazy big grins that he loves to share with the world. He's big enough and fast enough now that he can play hide and seek with his brother. It's awesome.


He's officially our big baby now. And one day soon he'll be a big boy instead. But for now I'm just enjoying those tubby cheeks and baldy head.


D&J Savaiinaea said...

Wow! I can't believe how much he looks like Malachi! I can't believe he is almost 1 as well!!

Unknown said...

Aww that little man is so cute. And hmmm I can't believe that stepper made it all the way to NZ. Oh and if you wanted to spend Christmas in a hot and tiny place, you should bought tickets to Hawaii :)

Maverick and Aissa Mitton said...

He is looking a lot more like Malachi. Specially on that last photo

SiOaNa :) said...

Love love love these pics. We should compare bruises, Kanani has a collection on her face...lol...she crawls into walls, chairs, anything in her way and likes to dive head first into the floor even while crawling...lol.

Ashleigh said...

i love his little bald head!