Wednesday, May 25, 2011

He did it!

I had a selfish goal for Malachi that he would be able to write his name before he turned 3.  I knew he was capable of it, and I wanted to make sure I'm feeding his hunger to learn and do.  He has such a drive to know about things and learn things.  Most of the day is filled with "Mummy, what does 'dog' start with?" "it sounds like duh duh duh.....d!" (he's really into his letters and hes recognising them even more these days, especially by sound.).  So we started practicing a couple of months ago, every week we practiced  different letter, and everyday he wrote a page of them. And the practice paid off.

So here it is, his first name written completely on his own.  A week shy of his 3rd birthday.

The first picture is really dark so that you can see the letters.  They're a little shakey and there are some gaps (we're still working on getting the letters next to each other), but they're there!  The second picture is there to show how happy his face is about doing it.



Well done big boy!

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