Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

This year I was lucky enough to have my Mum up for Mother's day.
She's awesome. 
The older I get, the more I wish I'd listened to her, and the more I want to be like her.
So patient, so positive, so diligent, so willing to sacrifice, so firm in her testimony, so sure of her values, so much love for her children.
She doesn't do anything grand, just quietly goes about doing the right thing.
My kids adore her.
She's the only other person that Vili will go to happily.


She probably won't like that picture, but it totally illustrates her. She sits and reads to them for hours.

The day before Mother's day my boys took me out to eat.  It was sooooooooooooo nice not to cook!  I had probably the best chicken burger and fries ever, even better then Cheesecake factory, and that's saying alot!





I love being a mother to these little people. It's the most rewarding thing I have ever done, and there is no other way I'd rather spend my time then being their Mum.

I'm so glad there's a day when we can specifically appreciate our mothers, and recieve a little appreciation ourselves!


SiOaNa :) said...

Great job boys :) And you deserve it Sarah. Every mother deserve to be spoiled a little more on Mother's Day :)I love you guys.

Anderson Family said...

Okay both your boys are cute but love how chunky and cute Vili!!

Line said...

sweet tribute to your mother. :) i appreciate mine more now too that i'm older and am a mom myself. also, good job with the grad cake! go you!