Thursday, May 5, 2011

There were 3 in the bed...

Vili still sleeps in our bed.
Every night.
He always starts in his bed, but when he wakes up I'm way too tired to feed him and put him back, or rock him back to sleep, so he just comes and sleeps with me.
I don't blame him.  Why would you wanna sleep all alone in your cold crib when you could snuggle close with your Mumma all night?!
I know that some people have very strong opinions about co-sleeping, think its dangerous etc (I've decided that if that was the case then mankind would have died off coz that's how we've slept for thousands of years.).
Sometime I wish he would stay in his bed.
But most time I love it.
Because I can't even begin to list all the special little moments we've had with him in there in our bed with us, moments we would have missed out on if he was in his bed crying himself to sleep.
And I treasure those little moments.

Like last night, he was moaning and groaning and I thought it was his teeth hurting him, until he sits up and lets rip a few loud ones - he just had gas..  Then he looks to his Daddy and grinned the biggest grin, as if to say "Did you hear me Dad? That was awesome!" And then the two of them rolled around and laughed about his little man noises.  It was precious.


I love my little boy.
He'll be 1 next month.

1 comment:

SiOaNa :) said...

I don't know....Matt will be 4 in a few months and he still sleeps in my bed...LOL. I like it "sometimes" but most of the time, it pisses me off...hahaha. Now, Kanani has figured out the there are FOUR of us in ONE bed.