Sunday, January 25, 2009

First Owie and then some

Malachi now has his first 'owie'. The other day i was standing outside talking to someone and Tui was inside with Malachi. He put malachi down to play on the ground and Malachi crawled over to the door. But instead of standing up on it and banging like he usually does, he was hiding down the bottom. So when i opened the door to come inside, crash bang smash - he fell out the door and landed face first on the concrete. My poor little boy. The side of his pretty little face swelled up, so we put an icepack on it, which he hated. The next day it turned into a nasty scab. I'm sure, boys being boys, that this wont be the last owie he gets, but it sure made me feel so terrible to see him hurt. Here are some pictures of the damage.
Day 1 - he didn't want any photos.
Day 2.Day 3.

These are a couple of pictures of other things Malachi's been up to recently.
Peek-a-boo with MummyLearning to eat noodles.Chinese eyes.
Little Rascal getting into everything.
Playing at the park with Vaea, his slave.
Posing for the camera.

We just love our son, as you can see from the billion photos that we take of him. He's such an amazing blessing to our family.


Joseph and Lianna Quillen said...

he is just so cute! even if his mommy abuses him... =p. just kidding! He is getting so big and so aware. Wish we were there to see him every day!

Joseph and Lianna Quillen said...

AAAAAAARRRGGGG I miss him! You should send him over here to hang with the cool guys ( well, just one guy)

Trevor and Lauren said...

I'm sorry but your son is sooooo cute!!! Man what a little kook?! I'm glad his eye is o.k.

Unknown said...

I'm calling child services!!!

Taiyo And Samantha said...

i didn't know your son was chinese! haha... malachi takes the cutest pictures ever.

Premadasa Family said...

I love his chinese eyes!!!!!! He is so cute, you will have to stop by our place when you are here visiting...or the other way around! also, i have contacted CPS and you'll be hearing from them soon. One thing that amazes me is that babies are so resilent (sp?) and can handle so much. If that was me i would be moping around for like a week!!!

Da Denninghoff's said...

Wow he is getting so big. Are you feeding him some good Tongan food? You are such a cute Mother. I knew you would be.

Kalei said...

omg sara ur baby is so big! He's such a cutie! The last time that I saw him, he was just a newborn in the office! haha.. yeah I just found you on here through peoples blogs!.. :)If u forgot me, I'm alohi's little sister.. hahaha