Tuesday, January 13, 2009

To sleep or not to sleep cont.

Night 4 - a little more eventful. The crying went on and off for maybe 35 minutes. And then after he'd fallen asleep, he woke up an hour later and remembered he was meant to be crying and started again. It's really killing Tui to hear him crying. I think i'm a little more accepting coz i've read the books about it and talked to people who've made it work, he's just going along with what i tell him. (kinda like riding on someone else's testimony i guess, makes it a little harder to be obedient i guess). I've promised myself 2 weeks and if he's not falling asleep then we'll have to try something else. 4 days down, 10 days to go.


Ashleigh said...

aw. you're such a good mom. keep going, you can do it :) let me know if you need a babysitter so you can catch up on that lost sleep. love.

Line said...

Saia had a hard time with letting Spencer cry, too. I'll give you the same advice that my pediatrician gave me: "sometimes you just have to turn a cold ear." Hahahaha. Hope the sleeping gets better. I know it's hard hearing your baby cry and not going in to pick him up.

Tasha said...

nah we didn't really go around sharing much about it and I think everyone did just assume that we had left.

Oliver has been the same way with not being able to get himself to sleep. One thing we do sometimes is swaddle him really tight in a big blanket and he feels like he's being held. Also, I've heard that some babies don't like lying flat on their backs because it causes stomach aches. He doesn't sleep in his crib because of that so he sleeps in his car seat because it's propped up; you could probably make something to prop up the crib mattress if you want to try that. I think we both just have very stubborn babies who will cry and cry non-stop...

Soakai Fam said...

Sarah, I'm sorry Malachi is not feeling so good... He'll get better soon... hopefully. I'm not really big on the crying-to-sleep-thing... But thats your call, and you and Metui are doing such a great job with the baby.