Friday, January 23, 2009

Happy Birthday Hubby

Yesterday , 26 years ago, this little baby, Tonga Metuisela Moala Tafuna, aka Tui, was born - I know, he's an old guy! So we decorated the house and celebrated this day of days.
This is the birthday sign that we (meaning me) made for Tui for his birthday. I stayed up til the wee early hours of the morning making it for him.

We started out with opening gifts.
It was so cute, he shook every single present for a good 10 seconds before opening them, what a little kid!His new phone from Malachi - Malachi kinda owed him, seen as Tui's only phoneless because Malachi threw the last cellphone in the PCC lagoon.BYUH Represent!!Thanks Rosser Family (Malachi loved the ball he stole and the chocolates were sooooo good!!!)Malachi helping his daddy to open the presents - with his mouth!

Then Tui enjoyed his breakfast extravaganza - pancakes, eggs, bacon, toast.

This is right before he dropped my masterpiece on the ground. (He ate them anyway :) )

The rest of the morning/afternoon was spent throwing up and curled up in bed with a migraine. Sad huh, not the best way to spend your birthday. Tui is never ever sick, like never. So of course he'd be sick on his birthday. Later that afternoon, friends started arriving and we fired up the grill and had some really really great food.
Those crazy guys on the grill....I know it's kind of dark but these are some of our friends that came out to celebrate. The houghtons came later, Tiff and Tyler had retreated inside to escape the cold, and Amraa's taking the picture.Even though he thinks he's 16, or 24, he's actually 26.....sorry babe, but you're old.

I'm so lucky to have been married to this man for the last 1 year, 6 months, 2 weeks and 1 day. We love you!!!


Premadasa Family said...

Just remind his that Kishan is older than him, and that if kishan was 26 again he would love that...(he's only 27, but compared to us ladies i guess that is old...haha)

shira said...

happy birthday tui! sarah, you are so cute with that breakfast you made! good idea! hope all is well!

Joseph and Lianna Quillen said...

Happy Birthday Tui!

SiOaNa :) said...

awwwwww.....great job Sarah..I'm glad you guys threw him a party...sorry no present from me "as of yet"....don't worry it's coming...ha ha...gosh just seeing the pictures make me wanna cry :( Don't worry, they're happy tears actually :)

Anonymous said...

Oh...happy belated bday to TUI. Not our fault if U didn't tell us :) BTW I thought he was 25 based on the pancake pics.So was a lil confused till the cake pic.