Friday, July 5, 2013

Tonga - Part 2

One of the best parts about this trip was being with all of Tui's family.  His sister and I are so ridiculously different, but we get along like chalk and cheese.  Somehow our equal sassiness and strong opinions never gets in the way.  And now Camilla has joined the equation, we just had the best time together.

Sister in laws.

With our baby girls.

After church. 

While Lani was busy throwing up and all that, she also was hard at work growing 3 new teeth (made for some really pleasant nights).

Visiting the Ha'amounga.  The camera died seconds after taking this.

We wemt to this one beach that was super wild and rough, I'd never seen the beaches like that in Tonga.  Ther are always so calm because of the reef.

And Vili ended up naked, like always.

Our banana loving kids were in haven with grandma's banana trees.

Lani's favourite [art about being in Tonga, other then the beach, was riding around in the car, not in a carseat with her head out the window.  She was like a little puppy dog.  She loooooooved the wind in her face.
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